No matter how accomplished I am an author there will come a point where I arrive at a sobering realization. You see, I know the feeling, you have the book written, but you think to yourself, ‘Help?!”. You need somebody to help guide you through the self-publishing process, if only part of the way.
But not everyone’s free internet opinion is applicable to you and your goals. The secret is there is a simple path to publishing. However, simple doesn’t necessarily mean easy. No one will tell you this. It is not sexy nor exciting. But there is a simple secret, I needed to learn.
But let me introduce myself. Hi there, I am Aderemi T. Adeyemi, an author-publisher who has found that self-publishing your book is as simple as collecting the appropriate information about you and your book and managing it. This information is called metadata. Once you have gathered it all you must, then apply it the right way.I have tried a few different ways, and will be glad to pass along my earned knowledge.
During my extensive career I have worked with wonderful groups of special children, ages 5 and up, in the San Diego Unified School District. Much like students I was charged with aiding in the various classrooms, my creative mind began to wonder: What would it be like if my mother were present among them in their classes? You see, my mother had always laughed louder than anyone. Her laugh infected everyone around her. It is from my amazingly inspirational mom that arose the adventures of the protagonist Lil’ Phyllis, in my story titled: Lil’ Phyllis Loves To Laff. But it was sitting there among the students that I gained the childlike confidence needed to try something so unlikely for me as to writing, illustrating, and publishing a children’s book. Thus my author’s journey began.
Along the way there have been many hard earned lessons learned from self-publishing a hand full of titles. I have tried my hand at producing titles for both kids and adults. Browse my back list and maybe you can be inspired to try something new for your own journey. And if you are planning to publish your next book remember my tip from earlier. An indie-authors must help oneself and collect and manage your own book’s metadata.
SelfhelpforSelfpublishers.com supports authors to increase the likelihood of successfully publishing and distributing their books through any of the independent publishing platforms as well as selling direct to readers. We must embrace the twists and turns along the way, and aim to guide authors as straight as possible to meet their individual book goals. Offering a simpler path to self-publish your book and support along the way.
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