Embrace the many roles of a Self-Publisher. Figure out which roles you can do and which roles you will delegate to a freelancer
Self-publishing a book can be challenging and it can also be fun. The reasons why it is fun in some ways are the same reasons it is so challenging. In order to accomplish all of what is needed to publish your book you will need to wear many hats. And hat’s are fun. You will wear the writer’s hat, the editor’s hat, the illustrator’s hat, cover artist’s hat, book designer’s hat, the accountant’s hat, the publisher’s hat, and the marketer’s hat, etc. Funny thing is my mother had always told me to use my head for more than a hat rack. Now look at me. At times I have had to do many things at once, strictly out of a financial necessity. Thankful for my many talents, but truthfully a book’s quality suffers when you try to do all that by yourself. On the contrary, you can figure out the things you do best and need your full attention. Then delegate the rest to people who know how to assist you. This will surely mean a monetary investment from you. In doing so, you invest in people who are better at certain things than you are. This will free up your time and also improve the finished product. Then you wear the bosses hat. In either case, you’ll be the lead decision maker for virtually every aspect involving your book’s production and publication. To be a self-published author you must embrace it all. After writing your book, your first order of business might be to do research on your book’s cover art or maybe to choose the best fitting Self-publishing company/s to partner with on your publishing journey. It is all up to you, boss!