Self-publishing is when an author publishes their work without a traditional publisher. While this gives the author full charge in every stage of the publishing process, you must finally publish through a self-publishing platform or company. You will have the last word creatively, decide the publication date, control costs, and receive the royalties.
The journey can feel isolating and it can be challenging to see the finish line in the midst of all that needs to get done. My simple advice to anyone who is writing to self-publish a book is:
- You must be C.O.O.L. ( creating out of love ).
- Don’t rush the creative process, But do little things towards the goal each day. Remember hurry sounds like worry.
- Appreciate what you already have written. Look at the original idea as a foundation and build upon that.
- Decide who you are writing for. If you are writing just for yourself, that is okay. But if the idea is for a target audience, hone in on the value it gives to that particular reader.
- Be willing to change your habits and grow into the author you are meant to be. Become disciplined to take advantage of the time you devote to your book project.
- Embrace mistakes as learning opportunities. That is what will help you develop your unique perspective.
Take frequent breaks. Have the awareness to know when your mind and body are in need of a break before you burnout. - Don’t get discouraged if days go by without writing. Just pick it up where you left off. Even if you can manage to write only one word some days, that counts as writing. And that’s what matters.
- Use your ideas as a spark. But you must keep it close in your sight, and nurture it by fanning the flame. Only then will you set the page on fire.
In conclusion self-publishing is for the author who chooses to not go with traditional publishing. They must create out of love because being in control of all the aspects involves patience, discipline, and self awareness.