Common Issues & Errors

Along the way the self-publishing journey we find common issues that come up at curtain points. They have come up regularly enough that wrote them down. They may not happen to everyone and may only be particular to the self-publishing company I tend to use most often. IngramSpark in this case.
Here is list of errors or just things to look out for when uploading your book.

  • Make sure the ISBN is assigned to the right title and is correctly written on the copyright page. It can get be mix up on the IngramSpark upload page if if not paying close attention and are managing multiple book titles.
    Note: will allow an ISBN to be reassigned in their system. However, once an ISBN and a title checked into IngramSpark’s system together it cannot be changed in their database. An ISBN cannot be reused. That doesn’t mean you can’t ever use that ISBN on another platform. It just gets complicated so it is best to avoid this mistake.
  • During the IngramSpark upload, if you wish to distribute you book be sure to select Global Distribution.
  • During the IngramSpark upload, at the price section, when setting prices and percentages for the different countries, it be glitchy as you try to choose prices that not give error for either not yielding high enough publish compensation or not following some international pricing rule.
  • During the IngramSpark upload of the print cover, errors can occur when the cover art is not properly placed in the guidelines of the template.
  • During the IngramSpark upload of the interior print file the art can get an error for line thickness being too thin. You quickly bypass this error if you agree to waive blame for whatever poor line quality that may appear in the printed book.
  • During the IngramSpark upload fonts not being properly embedded can make errors. Also, fonts must be bought and cleared for commercial use. And if not, that can be considered an infringement of an artist copyright. However, there free use fonts that may be found and used in books and whatever on font websites online.

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