Self-Help for Self-Publishers

Aderemi T. Adeyemi is a multi-genre independent writer and publisher His books are carried by Amazon, Barnes & Noble, several other online and brick and mortar retailers, as well as libraries. The list of book titles range from children’s picture books in verse, to easy reader chapter books, to illustrated non-fiction books, to books of poetry with more mature themes. You can also find helpful how-to books and creative prompted journals.

I WROTE a POEM TODAY: Companion Journal

A cathartic poetic journey.

Through the poems of Aderemi T. Adeyemi, you will see that like a free verse poem, there is no predetermined physical shape that our life must take. It is free to move as it dose. However, the thoughts that comes up in judgement of our circumstances do not have to be allowed to create the narrative. Instead we can watch thoughts come and go. Then choose to curate from our thoughts, and the emotions that follow them, the most beautiful verses of our experience and artfully make poetry from it all.


I WROTE a POEM TODAY: Companion Journal

From the author of I WROTE a POEM TODAY: Self-Love Poems. Journaling is where it started for him, many years prior to the idea of writing his first book.

I WROTE a POEM TODAY: Companion Journal is meant to be a space for you to unpack and reflect on your experience.
It offers a place for you to color outside the lines a bit, freeing yourself of the box life sometime places around us.
Journaling can be cathartic, offering the writer a psychological relief through the open expression of strong emotions.

This can be an opportunity to release old stuck emotions (such as pity and fear) and renew your over all health.

There is no telling the good that can come from just putting some of your thoughts, feels, and ideas down on paper.
Add this book in your shopping cart.


The Poetry Experience: Your Journey Your Journal 

©The Poetry Experience: Your Journey Your Journal is a book series designed to support your good health. ♥
This uniquely designed journal has 3 months or 13 weeks of self-affirming writing prompts.
Also features an original poem by the author.

Your life is like poetry in motion. 
It has a structure, rhythm, and meaning you give to it.
And Just like a poem has breaks between stanzas,
you also must have breaks to rest and reflect.

Just like a free verse poet creates a poem, you can choose the words you use to shape your experience – you do not have to listen to every thought that comes up.
You have a over active / chattering mind?
Use your prompt entries to create beautiful and empowering poems in this book.
This unique book was designed with you in mind because you work hard. And no one knows just how much work you put into each day.
It may seem like your motor ( the mind ) is always running– making it feel as though you’re working around the clock.
What’s even harder is that you do it all while powering through the constant mind chatter.
It can feel exhausting in a number of ways- both mentally and in the body.
Now you have found the health benefits of allowing yourself the space to just be- take a breather, check in, and observe what is happening within yourself.
Writing your thoughts down is a low tech way to spend quality time with yourself. There are great health benefits that come from putting pen to paper, such as better mood and better quality of life.
It also helps you to 
let go of stress and trauma.



Lil’ Phyllis Meets Her Book Fair Fairy

Life has not been the same for Lil’ Phyllis since her father left for Africa, especially when it comes to books and reading. What used to be a fun activity is now something she dreads. What will she do when her school organizes a book fair? Join Lil’ Phyllis as she meets her Book Fair Fairy and faces her reading challenge. 

This book teaches children relevant topics, including math and history, in a clear and humorous manner. A fun read for girls and boys alike.

Kid"s Book When You Meet a Djembe Drum

When You Meet a Djembe Drum

This book is about a boy who has had a rough day but learns a lesson in emotional awareness from a djembe that speaks. A djembe, named Jembe, shows the boy her West African origin- the people who invited djembes, what djembes are made from, and teaches the basics of djembe playing. Have you been trying to teach your children/students something about African culture? Perhaps you just want them to know about life outside their own continent. Or maybe you just want your African kids to learn of their own culture…. Look no further. This book illustrates how to play it in a very interesting and engaging manner that keeps 5–12 year old kids engaged. The text is backed up with beautiful illustrations that aids the imagination of the reader. You would love it!


Lil' Phyllis Loves to Laff

Lil’ Phyllis Loves to Laff

Lil’ Phyllis shares the gift of laughter with everyone, including her classmates. “She laughs on the school yard, she laughs down the hall. She just laughs and laughs. Lil’ Phyllis her way into the classroom”, And learns a valuable lesson in return. Written in verse, this upbeat telling of an original tale is relatable to children and grown-ups alike because the expression of laughter is universal. Look for this story to be retold languages all over the world.

Self-Help for Self-Publishers

Self-Help for Self-Publishers is part how-to, guided journal, workbook. Use it as a how-to book to organize and plan publishing of your book. A guided journal with activity prompts to you through steps of self-publishing a book. .

Self-Help for Self-Publishers: 2023 Book Pre-order Setup Toolkit

No matter what type of writer you are or genre of book you write, books flying off bookstore shelves is what any author would hope for their book. Self-Publish with Me: 2023 Book Pre-order Setup Toolkit gives you the advantage you need to achieve it– so your book gets per-sales while you get it ready for the market and before it is published..

This book is packed
★ Step by step book file upload and pre-order setup
★ ISBNs and metadata management checklist
★ Organizational worksheets for title’s information
★ Productivity trackers, and password logs
★ 2023 calendar, lined note paper, and dot grid paper

Poem the Painting: Prompted Journal

Poetry meets art appreciation♥. It is rare to find a book/journaling experience in which you interact directly with the author through the medium of a printed book. You will Collaborate with the artist-author, and write poems inspired by abstract acrylic paintings.

★Choose how to describe a work of art (ekphrasis) and expand your idea of poetry with these prompts.
★View art and be inspired yet challenged as you find the words to express on paper where each piece takes you.
★And enjoy the quality of Groundwood paper’s look and comfortable feel to the touch. This paper is great for writing, drawing, and apply watercolor painting.

Also included:
✓ Poetry terms definitions
✓ 30 Poetry prompts
✓ 80+ pages of lined paper
✓ Dot grid paper

Vestiges of Cool: Poems From a Closet Poet

This is the first installment of the Chapbook Series featuring poems assembled from its author Aderemi Adeyemi. This book is deeply open and personally liberating. The self-published children’s book author, reviles more of his artistic talent in an exciting departure from his earlier works, Lil’ Phyllis Loves To Laff, which is written in verse, and Lil’ Phyllis Meets Her Book Fair



How Do I Self-Publish a Book?


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